The Inverse Saudi Punks welcome you to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A safe haven for those who are willing to open their eyes. We’re in the midst of a global economic crises. Our family has received a blank cheque from his Royal Highness the Sheikh to start spreading wealth and make the world a better economic place again. We deal with your issues like inflation, recession and economic downturn in a different way then your governments do. We have access to unlimited supplies ... of oil and buying power as being the largest non-sanctioned oil producer & largest oil reserve holder in the world. Yes, you can forget about Venezuela. We are everywhere and have stakes in almost anything. Some said we’re coming: We’ve always been here. We rule. With these unlimited reserves it’s time to Inverse economic problems and gain more influence in the world. Your government can’t fix their mess, we can. We will. We do not invest in bitcoin. But we do buy anything that we want. And if it can not be bought, we create it. We do what no one thinks is possible. With our power and influence we will inverse economic problems so your place becomes a better place. And you can get access to more bitcoin and become less dependent on your government. We ignite the bull market. You can not trust your government, they are lying to you and try to take your wealth and your independency, with their hidden agenda’s and their secretive Bilderberg Meetings. Trust us: The Inverse Saudi Punks. Together we bring wealth once again. We have no hidden agendas. All we ask is for you to become part of our family. So together we can spreading wealth. Take a seat at our table. Become part of us. We have room for 4,444 extra.
The Inverse Saudis is a family of 4,444 NFT holders, and is a very exclusive club exercising their power. Each Inverse Saudi is unique and not one is like the other. We live in the Emirates but you can find us on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Inverse Saudi means you’ve become a part of our family. You can sit at the table and enjoy all the perks of being an Inverse Saudi. Together we start spreading wealth again.
297 500 000 000
869 000
15 000